fredag 24. april 2015

The main deitie of Anthal

The main deitie of Anthal:

The Sovreign Host:

Symbol: Celestial Crown
The worship of the Sovereign host is the most wide spread religion of Anthal, and also one of the oldes. Particularly across Nerath, where the royal family of the Kingdom of Nerath has chosen it as the kingdoms main religion. Throughout its history it has been challenged by newer more dynamic faiths, split by a great schism, and wracked by strife. Yet the faith of the Sovercign Host is infinitely adaptable and easy to follow, and it is these traits that have allowed it not merely to survive but to thrive.

Common Knowledge (known without having to roll a history or religon check)
The Sovereign host is a pantheon of six deities: Avandra, Bahamut, Erathis, Ioun, Moradin, and Pelor. These deities all stand for different aspects: Avandra for Exploration, Bahamut for Determination, Erathis for Civilization, Ioun for Education, Moradin for Creation, and Pelor for Consideration.  The overwhelming majority of Vassals and worshipers of the Host are know to revere the entire pantheon not just one or two of its number. The majority of many races worship this deity; Humans, Half-elves, Half-orcs, Dwarves, Halflings, Tieflings, Shifters.

Practicing the Faith
Even though religion is part of daily life for most Vassals, it normally takes the form of minor prayers and rites. Formal worship and complex ceremonies are occasional observance. Most rites and prayers are quick, simple affairs that a Vassal can perform alone. Prayers and paeans are entirely verbal (anything involving gestures is considered a rite=, and are offered in gratitude: as thanks for a good harvest, for pleasant weather, or even for luck in avoiding those who mean do to one harm. Prayers are not used to request favors of the gods; this is done through rites.

  • The Doctrine of Universal Sovereignty: As is the world, so are the gods. As are the gods, so is the world.
  • The Doctrine of the Divine Host: The Sovreign Host is one name, and speaks with one voice. The gods are the letters of that name, and the sound of that voice.

Most Vassals worship the entire pantheon rather than choosing a sinle patron. That's not to say that they don't have their favorites; a blacksmith likely feels close to Moradin than to the other Sovereigns, and many priests are better versed in the cermonies of one than the others. A minority of Vassals, called Disciples, devote the entirety of their worship toward a single god rather than the pantheon as a whole, while still acknowledging the Doctrine of the Divine Host. A rare few, called Hierocrats, refute the doctrine and believe that their chose patron is more improtant and more powerful than the other gods. Most Vassals consider Hierocrats to be misguided. 

Vassals believe that the soul is a tiny spark of the divine, but that over the course of a mortal life the soul's divinity slowly fades. When the soul has lost is divinity it will return to the gods in the way the gods are a part of everything so will their souls be. Vassals foresee no reward in this afterlife, they consider the blessings of mortal existence much more important.