lørdag 14. mars 2015

The Mages Guild

The Mages Guild lies on an island not too far from the docks of the capital city Nuril.

The overhead and highest ranked wizard is Grand Magus Donathan master of the Arcane. Other noteable leaders are:

  • Archwizard Vargoth the Violet; head of Abjuration. Human. 53
  • Archwizard Lucian; head of Evocation. Human. 45
  • Archmage Helena: head of Conjuration. Eladrin. 88
  • Archmage Melisara: head of Illusion. Half-elf. 76 
  • Archwizard Kelthrian: head of Divination. Eladrin. 293
  • Archwizard Zellek: head of Enchantment. Half-elf. 65
  • Archwizard Marley: head of Transmutation. Halfling. 59

Other sub-guilds around the continent and kingdom of Nerath:
  • The Purple Wizards Academy.
  • The Gray Mages, also known as the wandering wizards.
  • The Blue Mages guild. Currently only one known member left, and one apprentice.
  • The Sorcerers of Correlon.
  •  The Scholars of Ioun.

onsdag 4. mars 2015

Kingdom of Nerath

The continent of Nerath has seen many kingdoms and empires rise and fall.

The year is 4130 ATG (After the Gathering), the kingdom of Nerath has stood for 500 years. The current leader of the kingdom; King Gregory Boldwynn II is a young man of 35 years. He lives within the capital city Nuril, also known as the Golden City. His newly wed wife Lady Lauren and his unborn child went missing 2 years ago, she is presumed dead by some. King Goldwynn is rarely seen in the capital city anymore after the incident, his younger brother Christoph(28) has been speaking on his behalf. The location of King Goldwynn is unknown at the time, some say he has locked himself away within his castle in Nuril, others believe that he has gone undercover to lead the search for his wife.

The land west of Nuril is commonly known as "The West", it is a part of the Kingdom of Nerath but it has been self ruled for 400 years. It's lead by a council called the Exarch Council of the Silver Flame. The council is seated in Vigil, also known as the Silver City. There are four leaders of the council: Thoren - Military leader, Wilmot - in charge of Divinie Guidance, Sandro - Grand Paladin of The Silver Flame, Josef - Grand Cleric of The Silver Flame.

Though Nuril and Vigil is standing strong, most of the kingdom is stugling to rebuild after the Orcish Horde invasion ravaged Nerath, many towns and villages still lies in ruin.
 King Gregory Boldwynn II